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 Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies!

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Mike Makhlouf

Mike Makhlouf

Number of posts : 16
Age : 36
Localisation / Branch MJO : Tripoli/El Mina
Registration date : 2007-04-21

Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies! Empty
PostSubject: Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies!   Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2007 2:04 am

الأرثوذكس يشكلون المجموعة الكبرى بينهم.واذ كان الدروز والشيعة يخشون مضامين العروبة كتمويه جديد للأسلام السياسي بمفهومه السنّي,فقد كان الروم الأرثوذكس يشعرون باستياء كبير من السيطرة السياسية المارونية على البلد,ولهذا فقد تعاملوا مع مفهوم اللبنانية الذي قدّمه الموارنة بتحفّظ كبير.وبالأضافة الى هذا,لم يكن الروم الأرثوذكس محصورين في لبنان,فمنهم في سورية وحدها ما يفوق عدد المسيحيين من جميع الطوائف في لبنان,ناهيك عن اولئك الموجودين في فلسطين وشرق الأردن في العالم العربي الأوسع.ولهذا فقد بدا مفهوم الوحدة السورية للروم الأورثوذكس أكبر جاذبية من مفهوم العروبة.وعندما أعطى أنطون سعادة,وهو المسيحي الأرثوذكسي اللبناني,صياغة سياسية فعالة لهذا المفهوم للمرة الأولى,واضعا اياه في صدام مع اللبنانية والعروبة على حدّ سواء,وأسّس الحزب القومي السوري في الثلاثينات من القرن الحالي,التفّ الكثيرون من الروم الأرثوذكس في لبنان وغير لبنان حول هذا الحزب.ونجحت فكرة انطون سعادة عن وجوب تحقيق وحدة سورية,قومية علمانية,في اجتذاب عدد كبير من الدروز والشيعة والمسيحيين من غير الروم الأرثوذكس,كما اجتذبت الموارنة الناقمين على اللبنانية والعروبة معا.وكان للفكرة أيضا أنصار بين المسلمين السنّة ممّن كان يعطي أهمية كبيرة للعلمانية في تفكيره,ويرى في الوقت نفسه أن ما يجمع بينه وبين مواطنيه من أي دين او طائفة في لبنان او سورية او فلسطين هو أكثر واقوى مما يجمع بينه وبين زملائه في الدين من السنّة

هكذا ظهرت,مرة أخرى,فكرة قومية ذات رصيد كاف لجعلها صالحة.ولكنها سرعان ما أصبحت,في الأطار اللبناني,غطاء جاهزا لشيئ قديم وبدائي في الوسط المسيحي ان لم يكن في غيره,ألا وهو خصوصية الروم الأرثوذكس,والمنافسة التقليدية بينهم وبين الموارنة

( بيت بمنازل كثيرة,ص 79-80
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Mike Makhlouf

Mike Makhlouf

Number of posts : 16
Age : 36
Localisation / Branch MJO : Tripoli/El Mina
Registration date : 2007-04-21

Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies!   Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2007 2:05 am

What do you think about this passage from a very nice book called "Bayt bimanazel kathira"?

Antoun Saadeh clearly had an impact on Orthodox at first hand when he started the SSNP, obviously still till today the greater part of SSNP is orthodox christian....

But is the reason mentioned in this book, true?

The main point in this book was the following:

Saadeh hated the Maronites more than any person in Lebanon; his National Party was his way of denying the Lebanese Identity for the Maronites; and actually Cyprus was just to get some more "Orthodox" into his Greater Syria...
Antoun Saadeh was an amateur historian, who was bedazzled by Hitler "Greater Germany" and he tried to copycat every aspect of it....
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Mike Makhlouf

Mike Makhlouf

Number of posts : 16
Age : 36
Localisation / Branch MJO : Tripoli/El Mina
Registration date : 2007-04-21

Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies! Empty
PostSubject: Here is a paper about SSNP i wrote myself   Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2007 2:10 am

SSNP Principles

Lets have a look at the SSNP eight Fundamental Principles

1- Syria is for the Syrians who constitute a nation complete in itself.

Saadeh mentioned that he wanted to dispel any misconceptions that people who say we are Lebanese, Syrians, Palestinians, Iraqis, Arabs might have. In his view, all are Syrians, and they should be educated to be Syrians.

Now I dont know if that is patronising or what, it reminds me of the Greater Germany concept, conceived by Hitler. Germany, Austria, parts of Czechoslovakia, Poland and France are Germany, for the Germans and constitute one Nationality, regardless of the people's will. Did Antoun Saadeh ask the people in Cyprus about being part of Syria; did he conduct a survey in Lebanon, Kuwait or Iraq? Did he read history books about the Bloody rivalry between Iraq and Syria ever since the Umayyad and the Abbasids? Did he prove that his entity existed, even for a split second, in the history annals? The simple answer is no¦

2- The Syrian national cause is an integral cause completely distinct from any other cause.

The principle signifies that all the legal and political questions which relate to any portion of Syrian territory, or to any Syrian group, are part of one indivisible cause distinct from, and unmixed with, any other external matter which may nullify the conception of the unity of the Syrian interests and of the Syrian will.

At least we know why the SSNP are pursuing the Palestinian cause, however, I've never heard of a Palestinian SSNP!! Neither have I heard of SSNP activities directed against Israel from Palestine! Well, if the principal is right, the SSNP should be defending the Palestinian Intifada in Palestine. What about the SSNP supporting Saddam in his invasion of Kuwait, it made the unification of the Fertile Crescent one step closer. However, the issue was conflict of Ideology with the Baath party! So this principal has a deviation, it should read the SSNP national interest rather than Syrian National Cause.

3- The Syrian cause is the cause of the Syrian nation and of the Syrian homeland.

This is the concept of Unity of Land to the cause, in a simple way it is a re-iteration of the previous two principles with an emphasis on the Single Character of a Nation. Well that is obvious! Isn't it? Even in a small country like Lebanon, we can't get people to agree about who they are and what they are! But don't worry, Saadeh has the solution, we are going to Indoctrinate the population about their single nature! We are very closely related to people in Limasol, and much closely related to the people in Dair El Zour and in The Taurus Region.

3- The Syrian nation is the product of the ethnic unity of the Syrian people which has developed throughout history going back to even pre-historic times.

Lets start with the last sensational sentence, Pre-Historic !! So Saadeh solved the Historic events of the Neolithic age! He knew all the answers about who lived where and who they were! That is outstanding, giving the current debate that still exist about the Origins of the Phoenicians and every other race on the planet. Now to group the Canaanites, Chaldeans, Akkadians, Aramaeans, Amorites and Hittites together is a feat by itself. Please take note of the forgotten people who lived at the same time and the same vicinity, the Jews! Saadeh decided to banish them as outcast, as they did not fit into his Cultural mixer.

Here we see Saadeh debate the Superiority of a mixed race (that he invented) over a Pure Race, I think this stems from the fact that he could not match Hitler's theory with one of a Greater Syria with One Pure Race. Saadeh maybe forgot how mixed these races are! Just how many Maronites, Druze and Alawite used to get married outside their religion?

The other issue that Saadeh seems to be limited on is his history. History according to Saadeh begins with the Hellenic rule of Syria, when the successors of Alexander the Great divided the conquered lands between them and decided to refer to the Near Easter side as Syria. This was done around 330BC. The Bible, which is the ultimate historical reference for events happening between 3000BC and the Birth of the Christ, refers to Lebanon 173 Times and not one mention of Syria! Oops, he seems to have missed that. But then again, Saadeh does not believe in the Jewish Bible as it was plagiarised from the Syrian Bible which preluded the advent of the Syrian Christ. Saadeh also ignored the fact that the Greek (prior to the Hellenic rule in the Near East) referred to this land as Phoenicia or Cannan, the Roman called it Lenano and Anti-Lebano, and since the 7th century BC, the Maronite, a majority of them original inhabitants of the land, called Lebanon Home.

4- The Syrian homeland is that geographic environment in which the Syrian nation evolved. It has natural boundaries which separate it from other countries extending from the Taurus range in the north-west and the zagros mountains in the north-east to the Suez canal and the red sea in the south and includes the Sinai peninsula and the gulf of Aqaba, and from the Syrian sea (Mediterranean) in the west, including the island of Cyprus, to the arch of the Arabian desert and the Persian gulf in the east. (this region is also called the Syrian fertile crescent, the island of Cyprus being its star.)

This is the Master Stoke of Saadeh. So, we are going to start a war with Turkey to get the Taurus Region! Then, we are going to kick the Jewish out of Israel to the sea. Then to hell with the Christians in Lebanon, unless they subdue to our plan. After that, we are going to overthrow the Baath regimes in Syria and Iraq, and Invade Kuwait again!! To top it off, we will fix both the Greek and Turkish in Cyprus and teach all the Cypriots to speak Arabic. Wow!!! Hat off! What can I say, that is very intellectual, you cannot get more intellectual than that. The SSNP is a breed on its own. Saadeh goes on in this principle to assert that two races make his Syrian nation, Mediterranean and Aryan! Surprise, Surprise, what happened to the Semites? I don't know! I guess Saadeh wanted to prove his Racial Superiority by linking to the same Aryan race that Hitler's revered. As for the Jews, they cannot be counted in because they are Heterogonous and Incompatible! What about the Druze? Maronites? Alawites? Or is it racial selection?

6- The Syrian nation is one society. In essence Saadeh was preluding to the reform principles, where he attacks the Clergy and bans them from interfering with political, economical, educational, etc issues. I will reply in detail to the Reform Principles in another post; however I'd like to point out that Saadeh wanted a society of yes men, where everyone has a number, and democracy is practised according to his book. Does it sound familiar?

7- The Syrian social nationalist movement derives its inspiration from the genius of the Syrian nation and its cultural political national history.

Guess what! Have you heard such statement before? To make it plain and simple, what Saadeh is preaching is the Superiority of the Syrian race (especially the ones in Homs! I had to slot that in). And to say that Saadeh had nothing to do with Hitler is outrageous!

8- Syria's interest supersedes and is prior to every other interest.

This means loyalty to Syria must transcend all personal interests and considerations. Well, this issue was debated in the previous point, however I have a few points to make on this principle. If this principal is true, how come we have not seen any active SSNP involvement in Cyprus, Kuwait, Iraq, Palestine and not Even Syria? Isn't it strange that the only true mixed country in the region, the only democratic country in the region and the only tolerant country (where Clergy people are allowed to speak their mind) is the only target of the SSNP. Is it because they cannot withstand such a country or is it that the SSNP is not game enough to exist in any other country (and live up to its principals).

SSNP Reform Principles

The First Principle: Separation of religion from the state.

Here, I dont seem to get the point. In Saadeh explanation, he keeps on referring to the Church and to its dominance in the political system; maybe Saadeh was mad at Patriarch Houwayek for his role in creating Greater Lebanon rather than Greater Syria. Saadeh stopped reading history books dated after 1789, when the Church transformed to advocate of social rather than political issues. I cannot see any recent historical evidence of a Church running a country! On the other hand, we know that all Muslim countries (beside Mali) are run on a kind of religious basis (including Turkey). So the question is why did Saadeh in his interpretation of this first reform principle single out the Church? Other interesting points to make on this principal:
1- How is the SSNP going to stop Muslims being Muslims (and that is to aid a fellow Muslim brother all across the world).
2- How come that the SSNP is in alliance with Hizbullah and considers it to be a National Resistanceâ? Isn't it sheer hypocrisy and against this very principal.

The Second Principle: Debarring the clergy from interference in national, political and judicial matters

This principle is not, in fact, distinct from the former one. The only reason for setting it forth was to restrict the Clergy from reaching a compromise where by they do not interfere with the state, but they still have powers in other civic matters.

In theory, this principal is great, but it remains very ambiguous in practicality. I'd like to see how the SSNP is going to treat mixed marriages (remember Amal Jumblat marriage to Said Akl), I'd like to see them deal with inheritance (against the wish of some religions) or even other acts that can be defined as democratic in other societies, however are sacred to certain religions in the region. It is nice to throw in some great principles, but the practicality is that every country in the world (including the USA) is based on religious principles and its laws are derived from those principles.

The Third Principle: removal of the barriers between the various sects.
Again, a derivation of the first two principles. And again, a very nicely worded principle with not enough substance. For sure we can remove the religion of the national ID, but that doesn't mean that I am not a Christian any more; that doesn't mean that the Local Church does not have a register of all the Christened People since Adam was a boy! What else can be done? Force people to inter-marry? Force the people in Keserwan to go and live in Nabatieh so they get rid of their Ghreeb!! Or take away the very essence that makes this nation unique? Take away what the Maronites and Druze are Peculiar for?

The Fourth Principle: the abolition of feudalism, the organization of the national economy on a productivity basis and the protection of the rights of labour and the interests of the nation and the state.

That is a good principle, the only comment I have to make is that some Neighbourin countries confiscated their whole countries and abolished Privatisation in the name of fighting Feudalism .The principal is fine, however the practicality is that Feudalism exist because people follow a tribal leader! Gone are the days where the Government grants someone a large piece of land and a nice title in return for a bribe! The new feudalism is sitting in Parliament and the SSNP is taking part of it (just look at the recent Appointments! Where is the SSNP to fight for this principle).

The fifth principle: preparing and organizing a strong army which will be effective in determining the destiny of the country and the nation.

Although there is nothing wrong with having a strong army, the main point here is Effective in determining the destiny; this army is not a tool for defending the country and to be a deterrent for any invading force to think twice, it is an army that will start and fight wars! An army in a modern non-super power country does not determine destiny unless the leaders have external ambitions (remember, Hitler's logic for having a strong army was very similar).


According to the SSNP it is an artistic version of a Cross Unification with a Crescent (like a warped Cross into a Crescent). This cannot be true as the SSNP called for the total segregation of the Religion from Governance/State (to the extent of banning the Clergy from interference in any civic matters). Now how can a person who wants anything to do with religion out of his State, design an emblem that resembles and derives from religious symbols.
Some other opinions mention the resemblance to the German "Swastika". That is most likely as it was created in the same era, and it looks like a Warped swastika. The first issue of Al Zawba3a with the Emblem appeared in Buenos Aires in 1940, we all know that Argentina was a Haven for Nazi Germans and 1940 was the peak of their military power.
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Mike Makhlouf

Mike Makhlouf

Number of posts : 16
Age : 36
Localisation / Branch MJO : Tripoli/El Mina
Registration date : 2007-04-21

Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies! Empty
PostSubject: Continue the paper(2)   Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2007 2:11 am

Historical facts regarding the SSNP.

After being bombarded by SSNP propaganda, portraying themselves as being clean, intellectuals and righteous, it was necessary to set the record straight about some facts regarding the most hideous of parties that operates in Lebanon today.

Some of the major characteristics of the SSNP are:

Autocratic and Dictatorial:
Upon his return from exile, Saadeh refused to acknowledge any opinion, other than his own in the running of the SSNP and its modernization to suit regional changes. Saadeh got rid of Naameh Thabet, the president of the Higher Council, who had to cope with hostile governments, whilst Saadeh was still on the run in South America; Furthermore, Saadeh, purged the SSNP of all intellectuals who have a mind of their own! Those actions left the party with “so-called” intellectuals who were just copycat to Saadeh.

It is to be noted that Saadeh, not only refuted the Intellectuals of the SSNP party, the German schoolteacher, mocked the “Philosophical” abilities of the following:
Naameh Thabet
Ma’moun Ayyas
Fayez Sayegh (Cultural Dean of the SSNP)
Ghassan Tueini
Youssef El Khal
Fawzi and Hilmi Maalouf.
(Refer to Saadeh’s 1st lecture, January 7, 1948).

In Saadeh’s third Lecture (25th of January 1948), Saadeh acknowledged that the general population in the Near East, contrary to the claims of current SSNP non-intellectuals, label themselves as Lebanese, Palestinians, Shamites, Iraqis, etc… Yet, Saadeh assert that “those who do not acknowledge that Syria is for the Syrians and that Syria is a wholesome nation, they should be treated as criminal”; now I don’t know how dictatorial that is! But the guy left no room for discussion or debate.

Saadeh believes that the Syrian race is a superior race amongst some inferior neighbors.

Saadeh, similar to Hitler, refute the notion of Jewish people amongst his elite Syrian nation, giving the same reason as his idol: “Jews do not fit in his pot of superior races”.

Actual races were kept vague, since Greater Syria would include the non-Semitic Turks, but Jews were certainly excluded!

Treacherous and Unpatriotic.
Saadeh went clandestinely to Damascus to organize and lead the fight against the Lebanese government. Saadeh declared a popular revolutionary uprising calling for the overthrow of the Lebanese government, which was still in infancy stage, and the institution of a Social Nationalist order in Lebanon.

This first Social Nationalist revolution was declared on the 4th of July 1949. Members of the SSNP started organizing popular revolt and occupying government outposts in the villages and plains of Lebanon. Saadeh was leading the uprising from Damascus and he entered into negotiations with the newly established military regime of Husni Zaeem to guarantee that the government of Damascus would not intervene against the SSNP or prevent its members from acquiring arms and infiltrating into Lebanon.

It is ironic that when Husni Zaeem, after International pressure, handed over the proven rebel/outlaw to the Lebanese authorities, the SSNP refused to acknowledge the judiciary system that sentenced Saadeh to death; yet 46 years later, they swear by the same Judicial system which did the same to Dr Geagea and LF supporters.

It is worth noting that the SSNP is the only party to be tried twice for “Coup D’etat’ in Lebanon; it is still the only party to have attempted such an “undemocratic” feat!

The SSNP are prepared to falsify history to deny any Jewish rights over Jerusalem (as recent as 1998 – Dr E. Melhem) http://home.iprimus.com.au/fidamelhem/SSNP/

See also http://home.iprimus.com.au/fidamelhem/SSNP/

Saadeh appealed to Patriarch Arida to preach religion only, yet Saadeh “the know all, do all” wrote a booklet about religion “Islam in Its Two Messages: Christianity and Muhammedanism” (published in al zawba3a in 1941), giving us his theories about another area of his incompetence.

The first 2 of the SSNP “secular” principles are:
1) Separation of religion and state.
2) Debarring religious men from interference in national, political and judicial matters.

That explains why the SSNP is a great ally of Hizbullah and Sheikh Nasrallah!

It also explains why the “Jews” are not part of the Greater Syrian nation, as they “do not fit” into a secular system that is on demand.

It also explains why Dr. ‘Abdullah Sa’adeh sought the blessing and permission of Patriarch Bulus Butrus al-Ma’ushi before launching his “Coup D’etat” in 1961.

It is to be noted that the only religious threat to be found in all of Saadeh Speeches and SSNP literature comes from one sect only, the Maronite Church.

It is indicative that most of Sa'adeh's followers came and continue to come from the Greek Orthodox community, which, following the model of the Slavic church, has always been zealously and explicitly anti-Hebrew in a way that no other religious group have. Only during the past decade have a modest number of Shiites and Druze been drawn to the movement.

Double Standard
It is interesting that the SSNP attributes its second “Coup D’etat” of 1961 to four main reasons:

Sense of defeat in the 1958 without losing the war
Party Status in Lebanon
Intervention of military in Politics
Egypt Influence in Lebanon

What the LF is passing through today is exactly the same four phenomenon, yet the SSNP finds it justifiable for them to have a “Coup D’etat” and unjustifiable for others to even have a gripe about it.

Falsification of History
Sa'adeh was never disturbed by the fact that the nation he spoke of as a conglomerate of all the peoples and tribes that since the dawn of history have lived between the Euphrates River and the Mediterranean Sea-does not exist and that most scholars shrug disdainfully at the notion that it ever did. His explanation, as expanded upon in current party publications, for the failure of these tribes and peoples to cohere into a unified kingdom is that the enemies of the nation-from Jewish and Romans to Georges Bush have always conspired against it at just the critical moment,: sabotaging its redemption from disarray.

Saadeh, and the SSNP, deny the existence of a Jewish History or a Jewish Bible; it was all stolen from his Syrian mythical people.

Saadeh and his henchmen deny the existence of Lebanon, mentioned 173 times in the old testament, yet they invent a history for Syria, never known by that name before the Roman era.

Political Assassinations and miscellaneous massacres:
Assassination of Prime minister Riad El Solh, Father of the independence, in 1951

The murder of Colonel Adnan Maliki, the Syrian deputy chief of staff, in 1955, which led almost directly to Soviet influence over Syria

Attempted assassination of General Fouad Chehab, president of Lebanon, in 1961.

Assassination of President Bashir El Gemayel, president of Lebanon, in 1982.

The SSNP has one great advantage over rivals and allies alike: as mainly Christians, its members enjoy greater freedom of movement both in Lebanon and beyond than Moslems do. This advantage helped the SSNP wreak havoc in East Beirut between 1975 and 1990, planting bombs that killed 1000s of people, just to destabilize the “Free Region”.

The SSNP were party to the forces that committed the massacres in the mountain in 1983-4, killing 1500 citizens; they also were party to the forces that committed massacres in Tripoli’s camps in 1983 killing 1000s of Palestinians.

International Terrorism
Sa'adeh's son-in-law, Dr. Fuad Shemali, was one of the moving spirits behind Black September, the PLO group responsible for the murder of eleven Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics and for the 1972 attack on the American Embassy in Khartoum.

Members of another wing of the SSNP, led by Bashir Ubeid (who was murdered by a rival Muslem faction in Beirut in 1979), were active partners with the notorious Carlos and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in bringing about spectacular hijackings.

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and the members of his family were sent to Western Europe to assassinate diplomats and lay the groundwork for future acts of terrorism there. Abdallah was caught entirely by chance, and his identity as the head of the group that murdered the American military attaché Colonel Charles Robert Ray, in Paris in 1982, came out only during his detention. He and his four brothers deny that they operated in allegiance to the SSNP, claiming that they left the party a number of years ago. But intelligence experts are skeptical of this explanation. Even research by the BBC has found that Abdallah retains his ties with the party, though ostensibly he acted as the head of an independent body.
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Number of posts : 196
Age : 38
Registration date : 2007-05-15

Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies!   Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2007 10:28 am

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Mike Makhlouf

Mike Makhlouf

Number of posts : 16
Age : 36
Localisation / Branch MJO : Tripoli/El Mina
Registration date : 2007-04-21

Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies!   Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2007 5:13 pm

What i am trying to point out is the true face of SSNP, and knowing that it was started by an Orthodox, and for reasons that are known finally, what do you think about this party?

It is obviously full of terrorists and murderers, yet still most of it's supporters are still orthodox till today!

What do you guys think about that?
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Number of posts : 348
Age : 43
Localisation / Branch MJO : LEBANON/Tripoli
Registration date : 2007-03-22

Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies!   Behind the mask of SSNP, an orthodox privacy lies! Icon_minitimeSun Jul 22, 2007 11:11 am

hi mike!!1
1- i don't now much about the orthodox thinking in thiteens but i think that the motivation of antoun saadeh to create al3ilmanieh is ta2ifeh mnkoun 3am nizilmo!!!!

2- what about michel 3afla2 who create the ba3th walazi yad3ou illa alkawmiyya al3arabiya!!!

3- we always rea that the christan was with the idea of kawmiyya arabiya to defed the muslims kawmiya!!!
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